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供应ML1C006金属磨 亮条护理 汽车美容养护

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-02-04 22:18
100000 个

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:877
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    rML-1C006    金属磨(魔)rSOLIGHT金属磨采用柔和型配方,富含精密抛光微晶体和润滑油成分,提供闪亮、深层、清晰的金属光泽;内含高精密抛光微晶体,能安全、快捷地去除污染物、氧化层、微划痕;特殊丙烯酸防腐因子能在清洁的同时,生成防锈、防腐膜,保护金属表面;使之保持持久光亮保护。r使用范围:r适用于所有钢、铜、鉻、不锈钢、漆面及各类轮毂等。也可适应于家庭及工业的各种金属及不锈钢部件的去污及抛光保护。r使用方法:r使用前摇匀,清洗待处理金属表面后晾干。将该产品适量倒在干净的软毛巾上,轻轻地摩擦物品表面,一次抛光一小块区域,直至毛巾出现黑垢,继续抛光去除氧化层。然后用干净的软毛巾拂去黑垢,抛光即可。r注意事项:r1、使用前先在小块非明显区域测试该品。r2、严禁入口,一旦吞食,请立即就医。r3可燃,远离火星和明火、远离儿童、储存于50度以下。r rmetal polishrSOLIGHT metal polish adopts the natural formula, and it is rich in precision polishing microcrystal and lubricant and offers the shiny, deep and clear metal luster; with the high-precision polishing microcrystal, it can remove the pollutant, oxide layer and micro-scratch safely and fast; the special acrylic acid antiseptic factors can generate anti-rust and antiseptic films to protect the metal surface and make it keep bright for long time at the same time of cleaning.rTerms of UserIt is applicable for all steels, coppers, stainless steels,paint surfaces and all  size wheel  etc., and also applies to the decontamination and polishing protection for various home and industrial metals and stainless steel parts.rUsage rShake it before use, and wash the metal surface to be treated and let it dry. Pour appropriate amount of this product onto the clean soft towel, wipe the surface with the towel gently, polish a small area at a time, until the black dirt appears on the towel, and then continue to polish and remove the oxide layer, finally, wipe the black dirt out with another clean soft towel, and polish it.rNotesr1. First test this product in small non-obvious area before use.    r2. Eating is forbidden, in case of swallowing, please see a doctor at once.   rrThis product is flammable, shall be far away from fire spark and open flame and children, and stored under the environment with temperature under 50℃.rr"};



